"Failed to publish configuration on vShield Edge. The requested object : {some object} could not be found."
This kind of error occurs when vshield manager (Network & Security Manger) loses connection to vCenter server. If you try to redeploy a vshield edge device you will get an error saying "vshield manager cannot connect to vCenter"
All that has to be done - reconnect vCenter Server to vShield manager. (Can be done in vshield manager web ui on configuation tab)
A restart of the vshield manager, vshield Edge or redeployment of vshield edge might also be required.
The root cause of this error in my case was the fact that I updated SSL certificate of vCenter.
So when reconnecting i had to accept new fingerprint.
Another possible reason - the username/password of the user that vshield mgr uses to connect to vCenter. If password has been changed or the user has been deleted - a new credentials still can be supplied during "vcenter reconnection procedure"
More detailed steps could be found here:
Creating vCloud Networking and Security Edge Gateway error - VSM response (10105)