julienvarela is correct, "on" represents "Start and stop with host".
Here is the summary of the policy field:
- on = Start and stop with host
- off = Start and stop manually
- automatic = Start automatically if any ports are open, and stop when all ports are closed
If you don't like the warding, on/off/automatic, you can try the following:
Get-VMHostService -VMHost $esxi | Where-Object {$_.Key -match "TSM-SSH|NTP"} | Select-Object @{N="Service";E={$_.Label}}, @{N="Policy";E={ switch ($_.Policy) { "off" { "Start and stop manually"} "on" { "Start and stop with host" } "automatic" { "Start automatically if any ports are open, and stop when all ports are closed" }}}}
Sample Output:
"SSH","Start automatically if any ports are open, and stop when all ports are closed"
"NTP Daemon","Start and stop with host"
Hope this helps,