You can try the following code. It should be a pretty good starter point at the very least. I don't have a FC HBA in my home lab to work out any kinks with the WWN info so that'll have to wait until tomorrow.
$vmhosts = Get-VMHost
$HBAInfo = @()
Foreach ($vmhost in $vmhosts) {
$HBAs = $vmhost | Get-VMHostHba -Type FibreChannel
$DC = (Get-Datacenter -VMHost $vmhost).Name
$Cluster = (Get-Cluster -VMHost $vmhost).Name
Foreach ($HBA in $HBAs) {
$Details = "" | Select WWN, Datacenter,Cluster,Host
$Details.WWN = $HBA.PortWorldWideName
$Details.Datacenter = $DC
$Details.Cluster = $Cluster
$Details.Host = $vmhost.Name
$HBAInfo += $Details