Hi all.
I've always worked on Fedora since quite a long time and love this distribution.
But since a while, I'm getting more and more difficulties when installing VMware Workstation for Linux.
I'm now since this morning on Fedora 19 Schrödinger's Cat and I can't install VMware Workstation 9.0.2 correctly.
I have the VMware-Workstation-Full-9.0.2-1031769.x86_64.bundle file.
Once I installed my Fedora, I run the update process ( # yum update) and install correctly all available updates for Fedora Fc19.
So as of now I'm running Kernel 3.9.8-300.fc19.x86_64
Once rebooted, I install VMware Workstation 9.0.2 :
# bash VMware-Workstation-Full-9.0.2-1031769.x86_64.bundle
The installation process runs correctly until the end and I get the "Installation successful" comment.
But there is no way to get VMware opened. When I click on the VMware icon in the Gnome3 Activities menu, I see the VMware Workstation tab opened and loading, but it disapears 10 seconds after, without opening VMware Workstation.
I've tried the command vmware-modconfig --console --install-all which ends with "Starting vmware (via systemctl) : OK
Even after this, I can't open the software.
When I type :
# vmware
It says :
The VMware Tools kernel modules could not be automatically rebuilt.
Please manually run:
vmware-config-tools.pl --modules-only
To rebuild them.
When I enter this command :
# vmware-config-tools.pl --modules-only
It says :
[root@localhost ~]# vmware-config-tools.pl --modules-only
bash: vmware-config-tools.pl: command not found...
Please help ! VMware Workstation is an essential tools for my work for me !
Thank you very much !