Re: How to add a second iSCSI software HBA on ESXi 5.1
You can connect to another storage using the existing iSCSI software initiator, but you cannot create another one. André
View ArticleRe: Export Compliance Reports
I feel like I'm getting closer! For the first one, I've added this code: Get-Compliance -Entity $inventoryItem -Detailed | Select @{N="EntityName";E={$_.Entity.Name}},...
View ArticleRe: Appear to have poor storage performance. Best test(s) to confirm?
PHysical disks on array are running fine. Check your controller load on equalogic now. NEtwork seems ok if you're running 1gb, yoscan get 120MB/sec max which you have on sequential. It's likely to be...
View ArticleRe: Displaying More than 1000 Events using EventManager
1426 on the first command.... nothing on the second.
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That's correct vSphere licenses are used for the hosts only, and doens't have anything to do with guest OS licensing. For Windows Server operating systems you certainly need to purchase Microsoft...
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I'm experiencing something similar - I get a modal progress box in Office saying that it is downloading the file, which takes 5-10 seconds. The progress bar for the download stays at zero until the...
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thx. This is much easer than compiling the needed kernel modules by my selfe.This package at least get one of the adapters to work. It looks like i've to go the hard way for the I217 and compiled the...
View ArticleRe: How to add a second iSCSI software HBA on ESXi 5.1
Hi André: Thanks for your reply. So it means that I cannot have another physically separated network or VLAN to access another iSCSI storage. I mustuse the same network used by the first iSCSI storage,...
View ArticleRe: peripherals help!
It a webcam, signature pad, and a futjizu scanner. To log into the the P25 we are using a normal user account, and we get different results, installs drivers of 2 of the devices, and we log off, our vm...
View ArticleRe: Export Compliance Reports
To get the numbers you will have to use the Measure-Object cmdlet.Like thisGet-Compliance -Entity $inventoryItem -Detailed |Select...
View ArticleRe: Windows License Query
ok. so u mean every time in create a vm irrespective of clone or template i need to assign it a license manually by going into the vm.. one small question other than this.Is it not recommended by...
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*bump* any resolution to this? I am having the exact same issue. ThanksMartin
View ArticleRe: Appear to have poor storage performance. Best test(s) to confirm?
I don't seem to know where to find the controller load on my equallogic, Can you point me in the right direction?I am running 1Gb network. But I have 4 connections on each controller, and each ESXi...
View ArticleRe: Get Complete Inventory PowerCLI
Hi LucD, I ran the script and it errored out on me. Attached is the error.
View ArticleRe: peripherals help!
did you just install the devices by plugging them in and running the drivers install for each device with a local admin account or something? What i would do is i would try to plug only one in and...
View ArticleRe: Hardware for 3 VM's Help me please.
What you are proposing should work with no issues - One thing to point is you assign a core to a VM you configure a VM with virtual CPUs and the hypervisor will schedule the vCPUs to a core -
View ArticleRe: Displaying More than 1000 Events using EventManager
I completely overlooked this, but the Where clause shouldn't test the Name property but the FullFormattedMessage property.Try it like thatGet-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).AddHours(-1) -MaxSamples...
View ArticleRe: How to add a second iSCSI software HBA on ESXi 5.1
From a networking point of view it should work to bind additional VMkernel port groups with uplinks to another network/subnet to the software initiator, but I'm not sure whether this is supported. André
View ArticleRe: How to add a second iSCSI software HBA on ESXi 5.1
Hi André, Ok, Thanks.!! regardsLucas
View ArticleRe: Windows License Query
ok. so u mean every time in create a vm irrespective of clone or template i need to assign it a license manually by going into the vm..Yes, each instance of Windows has to be licensed. Whether you can...
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