You can actually do this with the latest free version of Hyperic Server via the Hyperic Web Services API. You will need to read (and re-read) the documentation here, but here's a free example from my own hard work (on Hyperic Server 4.6.6 COmmunity Edition):
hqapi1-client-5.0.0/bin/ alertdefinition create \
--prototype="FileServer Mount" \
--name "Disk Full" \
--assignEscalation "Default Escalation" \
--metric "Use Percent" \
--greaterthan 0.85 \
--priority 3 \
--willrecover \
This will create an alert for all filesystems
The magic switch is "--typeAlerts"; however, bear in mind that you will only be able to manage these generic alert definitions via the command line API. Another way you can create this alert slightly less generically is to first create a group of the resources you want to apply an alert to (via the Web UI), and then run the above command replacing the --typeAlerts switch with --group "Group Name".
You can list these typeAlerts with
hqapi1-client-5.0.0/bin/ alertdefinition list --typeAlerts
and the child alert definitions Hyperic creates behind the scenes will show up in
hqapi1-client-5.0.0/bin/ alertdefinition list
However neither the parent nor child alerts will show in the Alert Center Definitions page.