Re: No LUN available when trying to add Storage
When i try to add new device it says that this device (scsi controller) cannot be attached to my VM. So i only can use one scsi controller. When changing scsi bus to physical i get the error "Thin HDD...
View ArticleRe: Workspace cannot bind to AD (exact errors and what I did so far inside)
Please check your BaseDN. The BindDN user should be in the sub-tree under BaseDN. I am not sure if that is true in your case. Your BaseDN points to Sales OU. But, your BindDN user seems to be in Users...
View ArticleRe: Can't see shared folders in Linux Guest (Windows Host)
@JSen I know your a VMware employee however the directions you posted are not directly applicable to the Guets OS that Sidhartha states is being used in the OP! Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and uses...
View ArticleRe: Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning, Windows 7...
Hello Kirk, Please explain in detail about the exact issue that you are currently facing and also the chain of events leading to the error message.
View ArticleRe: Can't see shared folders in Linux Guest (Windows Host)
WoodyZ... thanks. I did that. There a bunch of youtube videos with a guy simply installing VMWare tools exactly as I have. I can't see any of the specific information you are alluding to. Sorry. Could...
View ArticleRe: Generic Alerts for Identical Services?
You can actually do this with the latest free version of Hyperic Server via the Hyperic Web Services API. You will need to read (and re-read) the documentation here, but here's a free example from my...
View ArticleRe: No LUN available when trying to add Storage
Well, I guess you already answered your own question. The controller type, the eager zeroed disks, the proper SCSI ID for the shared disks (which I assume are RDMs!?) as well as an additional Ethernet...
View ArticleRe: Can't see shared folders in Linux Guest (Windows Host)
One thing you (I had to) might have to do to install VMware Tools in Linux Mint 15 is in a Terminal copy and paste the following command and press Enter: sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname...
View ArticleVMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) Defense schedule for 2013 (Revised July...
The VMware Certification team is pleased to announce the Revised VMware Certified Design Expert (VCDX) Defense schedule for 2013. Registration for all VCDX Defenses listed here are open in myLearn....
View ArticleRe: Create a directory tree: How to call a global function from within a for...
@robrtb12Thanks for the code that actually creates the folder structure. That works. @llievThanks for the clarification @EveryoneI have attached the workflow to this. I will open a new discussion to...
View ArticleRe: Can't see shared folders in Linux Guest (Windows Host)
Hi WoodyZ, I tried that. Just reinstalled VMWare Tools... all seemed as before. i.e. I never had any indication that the tools weren't installing correctly before...Anyway, sadly still no shared...
View ArticleVCDX Design Defenses in Singapore and Beijing - November 2013 (Updated July...
To support VCDX Program growth in the Asia-Pacific region and Greater China, VMware Certification would like to offer VCDX Design Defense opportunities at vForum Singapore and vForum Beijing in...
View ArticlePort mirroring available with vswitch or only dvswitch?
I am port mirroring on a Juniper switch and are connecting the analyzer port from switch to a nic that is connected to a separate vswitch and setting promiscuous mode on it. I then connect this to a...
View ArticleMore help for VC's inventory
how do i modify this script to list the following hierarchily vcenterdatacenterclusterhost nameesx versionvm namevm ipVm MAC addvm tools versionvm hardware versionvm disk sizememorycpu...
View ArticleProduct Report Site Recovery Manager Protected VMs incorrect
When I run the product report the number of protected VMs is doubled form last month and is double actual number of protected VMs.ExampleWe have 41 protected VMs between two sitesThe product report...
View ArticleRe: Workspace cannot bind to AD (exact errors and what I did so far inside)
For the love of all that is holy. That worked!! To be honest: That makes zero sense to me. I've used cross LDAP lookups which dont care about this. For future astronauts reading this.. here is what I...
View ArticleRe: VCAP-DCA Experience
Congrats Micky, There are Manuals available during this exam that can be referred. Do you know what those manuals are? What exactly are those?
View ArticleRe: Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning, Windows 7...
I receive an error when the VM first starts. "Host USB device connections disabled. The connection to the VMware USB arbitration service was unsuccessful. Please check the status of this service in the...
View ArticleRe: Provisioned Space Incorrect
Connecting to the host reports the correct capacity and free space. Per your suggestion I am unable to move the VM to another datastore due to the size. If I delete the the 2 additional disks I added...
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