Re: What does this core dump screen mean?
It seems like Machine Check Exception: memory controller Read error. The machine check architecture is a mechanism within a CPU to detect and report hardware issues. When a problem is detected, a...
View ArticleRe: VmWare Client not going full screen on second monitor
Thanks, I hope theres a work around as it's a PITA with what I do.
View ArticleRe: What does this core dump screen mean?
Support is expired on this server. I'm running it in a home lab. From what I can tell, it's a problem with one of these 3 things:- Mainboard- Memory- CPU (probably CPU0) I've swapped out the memory...
View ArticleReading host files
Hello, Is there any way to list the contents of a host file (like: /etc/vmware/esx.conf) using the SDK? Actually I want to get the PSA claimrules for the host...
View ArticleRe: Reading host files
Very good article which becomes handy vSphere SDK for Perl Utility Applications Reference
View ArticleRe: How to find a VM through MAC only
You can run script from both links using powercli I have tried script from first link and it worked. C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0 powershell.exe -PSConsoleFile "C:\Program...
View ArticleRe: Vmotion Nic question regarding implementing vsphere 5.1 solution with SAN
Definitely depends on if you are using 1GB or 10GB and how many physical nics in the host. Also what version of vSpere you using (Ent, Ent+, etc.) And if you are planning on using vDS (vSphere...
View ArticleRe: Confused about ESXi 5.1 VM Memory Usage
Can you check your upgraded ESXi server if its showing 96GB RAM after the upgrade? I'd encountered a strange issue before wherein after an upgrade the server only shows half of the maximum available...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 - Disable Flow Control
Thanks for the message. It turns out that the driver (which is latest) for the qlogic card does not support the commands to disable flow control, as per Vmware support.
View ArticleRe: two profile of same user in persona management share
Check this out. I had a lot of issues when I first setup personaVMware View 5.2 Documentation Library look at step 3, very important and easy to miss. if the link didn't work this is the part that's...
View ArticleRe: vpowercli script в win scheduler
Хм, видимо решено как-то само собой. Задачи завершены успешно (0х0), единственно - трудно сказать сколько на это потребовалось времени, но последняя началась в пол третьего ночи, в 8 утра все в...
View ArticleRe: VCAP5-DCA exam - That lab is slooooooowwwww!
I managed to make it through (most of) 24/26 questions, kicking off a particular task about 20 seconds before the exam session ended. I hope that task completed Overall the exam questions were great,...
View ArticleRe: Can't turn off encryption in Fusion 5, MBP Air
Without the password you will not be able to decrypt it! The only salvage option would be to boot the VM with a Linux Live CD/DVD and make a file level backup to restore to another unencrypted empty,...
View Articlewhy is this script not getting the VLAN ID?
Hi I need to gather the VLAN information against my environment to check to see if VLAN's have been configured $report = @()foreach($esx in Get-VMHost){ $vms = Get-VM -Location $esx foreach($pg...
View Articlevsphere login creds not working
Hi, For some reason my login creds in vsphere are not being accpeted. is there a way to reset your password via console or something like that?
View ArticleRe: Remote Copy/Paste
Hi adamlonsdale, I am afraid it is not supported to CnP between local VM and remote VM. Thanks. Sophia
View Articleesxi5.0 u1 & esxi5.0u2 mixed environment
hello I have one question about different version of esxi servers managed by one vcenter server 5.0u1.We will add a new esxi 5.0 u2 server to current production environment.That enviroment is below....
View ArticleRe: Windows 8 Support
Hello In the morning, It has been testedtoserverrebuild. Server: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard SP1Client1: Windows8 Pro 64bitClient2: Windows8.1 Pro 64bit In the abovetest configuration, we...
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